Sunday, December 30, 2012

Assistants in Focus Series 4 - Disinterest

I’ve been receiving some emails from assistants reporting some situations that are happening and are very sad. One was about the neglect of some assistants in relation to the care of the church and even disinterest in spiritual service. Read for yourself: "I see a difficulty in assistants accepting and taking on responsibilities, for example I am looking for a helper for social work and with the exception of those already active in a group, the assistants shirk ..." "I am an educator of the EBI, and there has been a few unpleasant things happening. The assistants do not help in the cleaning of the church; they do not go out to evangelize. They do not do visual aids for the kids..." The assistants serve God out of love, Him and the souls, if she is willing to serve and then does not want to cooperate with the work of God, then she is being negligent. They do not want to evangelize, help in maintaining cleanliness, not giving their best in the EBI; then you are not being an assistant.
Because God called them to win souls, both inside and outside the church, if the assistant has no desire to speak of Jesus, takes no pleasure to teach and give their best to the children, does not care how the church is, then she is not giving her best. All this is a reflection of a turned off spiritual life, the real problem is not what these assistants are not doing, but the spiritual state that they find themselves, how their interior is, how they have seen the work of God and souls. The not doing has only been a reflection of what is happening inside.

Task: First make a sincere analysis of how your service has been in the work of God. You are going to take some time to speak of Jesus, if for some reason you cannot go out with the group of evangelization; you will speak of Jesus in your neighborhood, at school, at work. In addition you will honor God by giving your best at church, whether it is in the EBI, you are going to bless and teach the children with love, if you are in the church you are going to take care of the people, if cleaning you are going to do it with joy and well done.

The word of God says: “Whoever keeps the fig tree will eat its fruit; So he who waits on his master will be honored.” Proverbs 27:18 Do you want to serve God as an assistant, then give your best, otherwise you may be an assistant of the church, because you have a uniform, but not an assistant of Jesus. 
*Extracted from Mrs. Tania Rubim Blog


  1. 'If you can't do the things of God, what's the sense in calling yourself a servant of God? When we are members we can do all things but when we become assistants we do not want to do anything anymore, this shows that they have lost the anointing'. James.

    'This message is true, sometimes we lose focus of what is more important and make our problems become our priority instead of doing the work of God eg. saving souls in and out of the church and cleaning the house of God, being there for the Sunday School Children, this loss of interest shows that our spiritual life is not the way it should be'. Barbara

    'The Lord created the earth in six days and rested on the seventh. I believe that it is also and indication that there is a time for everything, so even in our busy schedule we should have balance and make time for our spiritual lives'. Harvey

    'Every assistant who reads this must examine themselves. The work of God is not a social status, where we do as we please. There are certain attributes that identifies a servant and can tell the quality of their spiritual life. If any assistant find themselves loosing interest in doing God's work for any reason at all, please quickly start to renew your spiritual life, your soul is in danger'. Diane.

    'What is written in this study about disinterest is true'. Joan

    'This is true because many of us have to understand that just to be in the church is not enough'. Easton

    'When an assistant find themselves loosing interest in the work of God, they do the work of God anyhow, we can all agree that something is wrong spiritually speaking with the assistant and also that they need to make a sincere analysis of their service in the work of God and their spiritual life' Melissa

    'An assistant must always be willing to do God's will wholeheartedly and be ready to take on any responsibilities given in the work of God. If an assistant refuses to help to do things in the church and especially go out to evangelise, then it depends on their spiritual life. God choose us to do His will and if we always find an excuse or neglect in doing so, then in just a matter of time the Holy Spirit will reveal us by the fruits we show. The important thing is we are not assistants of the church by uniform but we are suppose to be assistants of the Holy Spirit'. Duncan

    'I think assistants need to take the work of God seriously in every area of the church eg. nobody wants to drink from a dirty glass, so we have to make sure that the glass is clean inside and out. The same thing with the church people can't worship in a dirty church, it must be clean and neat both inside and outside'. Jennifer White

    'Assistants mean to assist in the work of God, some assistants want to be recognized by the Pastor so they work for Pastor to see them and not the will of God. The work of an assistant is to save souls and have desire for the things of God'. Jennifer Whyte

    'Wherefore let him that thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.'( 1 Corinthians 10:12). Let us pray for the assistants that we see are falling away from the presence of God, that each one may remain in the presence of God. The fact of the matter is many assistants show interest in the church but they still are not well inside as they are operating on "auto-pilot". They just do because their afraid of what the Pastor or the other assistants might say or think if they don't do, when in fact the have no real communion with God. They allow the works of the flesh to take possession in their hearts thus making them far from God. Let us build each other to develop the work of God'. Khadeen
