Friday, December 21, 2012

Assistants in Focus Series 1 - Spiritual State

Hello friends, are you prepared? Then let us begin, at the end this article there is a small task for you.
Today we are going talk about the importance of the assistants being good with God, with their spiritual lives in day.
If the person is not well, she cannot help others, if she is empty, weak in faith, or even in sin, how can she pray for the people in the church? It will be a prayer without fruit, it will be dangerous because do not forget that it's a fight face to face with the devil.
Unfortunately many assistants are hiding behind their uniform, wanting to pass a spiritual image that does not exist.
They are people who act in the church one way but at home are completely different, they are unrecognizable, giving bad testimony.
This demonstrates a lack of being born again, do not accept living a farce, be honest with yourself.
Some points that can help you to reflect and see that you are not born of God:
-      you have not changed your character
-      you are always in a bad mood
-      you are angry and explosive
-      you feel bad in the strong prayer, as a matter of fact you flee from the services of liberation
-      you are not able to abandon sin, live in wrong
-      you are a sad person, do not have God's peace
-      deep down inside you know something is missing, something is not right

If you detect that you are not born of God, act now and start seeking.
Below is a story of an assistant that went through this situation, it is worth reading:
"Hello Mrs. Tania Rubim, I am writing because of the testimony of a wife that you posted on the blog of Mrs. Cris. I felt a burning desire to share what happened to me. I am an assistant for 13 years, and always went through that, I felt fear of the strong services, I felt strange things, but I never kept it with me, I would tell the pastors, wives, assistants... but nobody could help me. I would ask for a strong prayer, open my heart, but nothing... Everything continued the same. I thought about giving it all up, leaving everything, because I could not take it anymore, but inside of me there was always a strength that kept me going, made ​​me believe that I would go through it and share my victory. I prayed all the time, sought God, read the Bible, did nothing wrong... but everything remained the same, fear, insecurities and more. I did not understand, I prayed at dawn, humiliated myself in God's presence, asked for a response, but it seemed that nothing changed. I would do purposes, be revolted, something inside of me would ask for me to insist, I knew something was missing, and would ask God all the time! God I want you! I do not know what is missing yet, but I want you!! And so it was year after year. I've always heard of being born again, and even trying to comprehend I did not understand, I thought I was born again due to the time I've been in church and for not doing anything wrong. But something inside of me screamed! I needed more, there was something from God which I still did not have, and I was willing to seek, at all costs. I never had doubts of having the Holy Spirit, I would speak in tongues, and my fruits were good. So what was missing? I would ask God all the time. I even said to a pastor that I could start all over again, I had no problem, I was always humble to acknowledge it, and ask for help and prayers. My seeking continued, biblical readings, prayers, long conversations with God in my room when I was alone. My intimacy with God was increasing since I would talk to Him all the time, the more that problem tormented me, the more I became "glued" with God. And I continued still not understanding... In my moments of despair, a sweet voice inside of me would tell me. Trust in me, it will pass. Why God, why Lord are you allowing this? I asked always in tears. And when you posted the testimony of a pastor’s wife, my eyes opened! I am not yet born of God. That is what is missing! I remembered from the services with the bishop mentioning that many assistants, pastors and wives had not yet been born of God, and I did not understand how this could happen. After reading the second part of the testimony, I realized that being born of God is not easy, it is not enough to say you want to, you have to truly want it, strive and pay the price. I remembered that I was already faithful to God, but also did not know Him. I was in the service, I stopped what I was doing, I began to pray, I put my hands on my heart and asked God to cleanse me, to free me. I prayed strong, and I felt my heart burn, and a huge peace took over me, I asked God for forgiveness, for having taken so long to understand. I started talking to God, and had to run to the bathroom, because an overwhelming urge to cry, and glorify God in tongues took over me. I did not know whether to laugh or cry with joy, I wanted to shout for everyone to know what had just happened. I remembered all the people who were in the work of God one day with me and left, and I wondered why God preserved me for so long. And I was certain that if I had not gone through everything I went through, I would never have sought to be born again and have an encounter with God, and perhaps not be here to write this email.
God Bless you and the wife who told her testimony. "

Task: Make a deep and sincere analysis about your spiritual state, see if you had an encounter with God, are born again, and whether you are actually prepared to serve God as an assistant, if you are in sin, or bad spiritually, look for your pastor and speak to him, you cannot serve God this way, this is the first step.


  1. Thank you Pastor for this blog post and I will do this task in faith.

  2. " This is to show us as assistants that most times we are serving God but we are not born of God and we are doing the work of God. This testimony enlights us to make us know if we are born of God. Some assistants hide behind their uniform because they are not born of God but are doing the work of God we have to have an encounter with God we have to fear God to born of him". Barbara

    "When the strong prayers were going on she was full of fear, she didn't have the Holy Spirirt, you can be in the church for many, many years she was still not opening her heart to the Holy Spirit. If we put our all in what we are doing we must do the right thing in ourselves, we must be born of God." Joan

    " The greatest enemies of faith are fear and doubt and once she was able to overcome she received the new birth." Harvey

    "My understanding from this assistants testimony is that although she has been in the church for 13 years as an assistant, speaking in tongues and was not living in sin, she was living with doubts. But from the moment she realized and started seeking and received the new bith then she was totally delivered." Miss Duncan

    "When we are not born from God our salvation is at risk because she was going through a spiritual war even though she was serving God it is good to hear someone's testimony because that is where we find our answers many times. She was determine to serve God that's why He helped her. Reading this testimony has made me start to examine my life, it has opened my eyes." Easton

    "The process of being born agian can be a long for some and it can take some persons a shorter time based on their desires. To be born of God is a commision from God to do His work, the Lord does not do anything in hatse, He was preparing this assistant to do His work, He allowed her to be tested (confronted by her fears and doubts)to show her commintment to Him. The Lord knew her desires but she had some fears this was what was blocking her. She had realised that she needed something more and had sought for it and received it. Other assiatnts and pastors should also take care to help persons like these, this is the ultimate goal to have persons being born of God. I myself can connect with this assistant." Diane

    "I think that when we are raised as an assiatnt we must be careful with our spirirtual life and it's not all about the uniform that we are wearing, because the uniform doesn't make us an assistant. We have to make sure that we are born of God and to do the will of God honestly and sincerely seek the Holy Spirit daily. We must be sincere with our selves and don't have two faces under one mask." Jennifer White

    "To be born of God was hard for her because she was even speaking in tongues and had the Holy Spirit but was living in fear but when she had the encounter with God then everything changed." Fay

    "The New Birth will only come when we seek God with all our hearts and the bible says in Jeremiah 29:13 that if we see Him we shall find Him, when we have serached with all of our hearts. That moment was her breaking point for her to receive her encounter with God. She was doing the work of God without any sin but still lacked the most precious thing the presence of God, not beside her but inside her." Khadeen

    "Each assistant need to ensure that they have the qualifications to serve God. First the presence of God and second an encounter with God. These two ensure the new birth. Jennifer Whyte
