Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Challenge of Israel

Many assistants are wondering what‘s the importance of the Challenge of Israel, and if you do not know, I'll post a short explanation for you.
The aim of the Challenge of Israel is awakening in people lives that genuine Faith, the faith of Abraham which exists in all of us, but in many cases, is asleep. And to clarify this, we mention some biblical heroes, like Gideon, Moses, Elijah and many others, who offered challenges to God, and have God's promises fulfilled in their lives. That's the secret: Challenging to Conquer.

The sacrifice is nothing more than a manifestation of Faith, a demonstration of faith in God, that could please Him or not, this will depend on whether the offer of challenge was what really hurts or not, in order words, what we’ll challenge to God has to be our best because He offered His very best for us to be here today. But many ask: But Jesus did not sacrifice all? So, why we have to challenge? Yes He did, however, when we offer a challenge to Him, it is like giving our lives, saying that we accept what He did for us on the cross.

The "Challenge of Israel" usually takes place every year in June and December. And now, the Universal Church is full of testimonies from people of many colors, races, social classes, etc... , on different situations, like: financial problem, spiritual problem, sentimental problem, sickness, etc… Well, I believe! So, what about you?

Leave your testimony below:


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