Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Perhaps you’ve heard of the story of the shoe vendor who travelled to India on business in order to explore the new market. Arriving there, the vendor contacted his company: “Schedule my trip back. There’s not much to do here. No one uses shoes in India.”

The company brought the vendor back and sent another to the same place. Immediately, he started to sell and make orders and more orders for the company to send thousands of pairs of shoes. Excitedly, he contacted the company: “Everybody needs shoes here!”

Almost everything in life depends on how you look at it. The way you perceive a situation can make you a success or failure. The way you look at your marriage can either push you fight for it or give up. The way you look at yourself will determine the way that others look at you.

Notice if you:

Tend to look at certain situations negatively

*See others with bad eyes

*Usually find excuses for why you aren’t able to or can’t do something

*Prefer to not even try in fear of failure

*Put yourself down before other people, and consider them more capable

Adjust your vision, and your life will change accordingly.

By Bishop Renato Cardoso


  1. Indeed the way you look at yourself tells alot to others and in life there will be situations to put us down but I decide what will be the result after. Like the ending of this message say's, 'Adjust your vision, and your life will change accordingly'.
    God is always investing in us but it is up to me to change (my vision) by working with Him for His plans to be accomplish and His name will be magnified. May 12th 'Day of God's Vision. As a servant of God my life cannot be the same.

  2. Absolutely, because the way we look at things is the way they usually turn out, everything has to do with our vision this is why our vision has to be aligned with God's vision because the Word of God says everything is possible for those who believe. When our vision changes our life changes.

  3. When a person have God Vision for there life,he or she should have this character,like jairus,is daughter was dead,but he never look at it with is natual eyes,he see the situation with the eyes of God,by humble himself,"And he fell down at Jesus feet",which he Surrender is life,And the situation was change,and i was thinking,sometime we say or think we have the vision of God, but the Vision of God is not something to say,for example whenever time i ask a person,what do you want to happen for you?!good things,who is the onwer of all good,?God,surrender your life to Him,!No i dont ready yet.os saying it is not all,the Day of God Vision,i have to Surrender my all, so i can see with the eyes of God for my life.dujay sterling
