Friday, April 26, 2013

Things that you did not know about TIME - Bishop Renato Cardoso


  1. I remember watching this message a few months ago and I felt like the Bishop was talking to me. Time is not promised to us we only have NOW, the present, if you want something done do it now don't delay! This message is so inspirational I encourage everyone to listen to it keenly.

  2. Thank you very much pastor for this blessed message
    it open my eyes.

  3. We want change but we are not willing to sacrifice our time to completely change the situation. Time is wasted on foolish things such as complaints and murmuring whether it's about the job, family, health. We waste time complaining but do not invest the time into changing the situation. We complain and expect God to make magic and fix the problem, instead we get up and change our situation.
    Let's use our time to change our situation and stop wasting time with complaints and being unproductive.

  4. this message is a blessing and it is so true. we have to really and truly number our days and value our time especially we that are really in the presence of God. this is one of the devils hot weapon, time, he is very patient.

  5. I never quite looked at time in this way before this is a very strong message, that opened my eyes to the importance of time and its connection to wisdom and how we should value the time that we have instead of wasting it.

  6. yes pastor, what i got from the message is that we have to know the time and make our self available to serve God we cannot wait on anyone or time we have to start now and be serious about our Salvation, maybe we will not find the time after, but know we have the time, so we should make good use of the opportunity of our time.

  7. what i understand from this message,our TIME is NOW, so what we have to do,we have to do it NOW,cause only a foolish person sit on wait for tommorrow,cause tommorrow never come yet,we must cultivate ourself NOW in order for God to manifest is promise in our life,dujay sterling

  8. TIME is now and that is so true Bishop because i do say some time i will do things later and i do have the tine to do it now, so thank you to tell me more about time,

  9. What i get from this message is that the time is now not tomorrow or tonight or later in the night but now. Because we have to do things right now because it's the time now. (Gary chambers)
