Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A warning for the assistants

A warning for the assistants

Many assistants do not know the reason why they are serving as an assistant, and do not understand what it is to have a ministry, they are laity in spiritual matters, some give bad testimony at home, at work, at school and many others are hostages of the uniform! Just it! 
Hostages of the uniform.

If you take back their uniform, they leave the church. I personally know of several pastors who have confided to me that they know that these people can’t afford to be spiritual as assistants in God's house, but in order of not losing that soul, they (pastors) make this concession for love and prefer to leave them with the uniform.

Take a note of this: in the uniform, not as an assistant!  

What does it mean?

Why these people became hostages of the uniform, which is just a detail in the great work of God?!. The uniform exists because of the assistant, and not the assistants exist because of the uniform!

So we see these people as spiritual children, who are content with so little!

It is a lack of spirituality, they don’t worry about of what is more important –the spiritual widows who are in our midst. For while widows have spiritual hunger for God, those who should distribute the Bread of Heaven to the hungry, are involved in the church in less noble causes.

Stephen was not a pastor or bishop, was only one of the seven chosen. An assistant, recognized by everyone in the church with the credentials required by God and His Holy work.

An assistant who marked his time, by his spirituality, knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and man of action - practical!

An assistant who became the first to die for Jesus’ sake in the history of the Primitive church!

An assistant who was a martyr!

Nowhere in the bible Jesus is seen standing in heaven. In all passages, we are told that He is seated at the right hand of the Father But in the case of Stephen, the Lord Jesus stood up, to receive “an assistant”, which would be the first of many assistants to give his life for the gospel’s sake!

 Be a Stephen! be a true assistant!

Think about it! And leave your comments below.


  1. " All that is said is true, we as an assistant must try and do every thing that is right in the sight of the Lord. Whatever is in us, that is
    what we pass unto the people. We must have pure heart and be full of the Salvation of God". Joan-Spanish Town.

    "To be an assistant we have to be pure and true, so with uniform or without uniform if you are pure and true the uniform don't matter we need to take care of the church and the people". Fay-Spanish Town.

    "No matter the circumstances may be we don't assist in uniform only to do the work of God but to give our all by helping in every way possible to take care of God's House and His people". Jennifer White-Spanish Town

    " What you said is true, some assistants believe being in uniform is just it. An assistant as chosen by the Holy Spirit, so we are to do the work of God, to save souls." Barbara-Spanish Town

    " This is a very strong message as an assistant we have to examine ourselves and see if it refers to us. What you wear does not make the person, it is your relationship with God. Stephen was an assistant who did not wear a uniform but he demonstrated the heart of a servant. Full of the Holy Spirit, his relationship with God was good, how an assistant does the work of God shows how is their spiritual life, if the spiritual life is weak the service will be poor." Diane-Spanish Town

    " When an assistant is chosen by the Holy Spirit and not by a man, that assistant is born of God and knows that his/her function is to fulfill the will of God. It is the responsibly of each assistant to take care of their spiritual life, in order to prevent them from falling away,the bible says 'what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his very soul', in the same way, what's the point of an assistant being in the uniform in the church but their soul is in hell?-Khadeen-Spanish Town

  2. This is so true and strength forward to be an assistant we have to be pure and true, so with uniform or without uniform if you are pure and true the uniform don't matter we need to take care of the church and the people. When serving God is ALL that matters, it's a privilege and not a position. Rania
