Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Sunday, August 24, 2014
The word given as a promise, as a guarantee, is one of the main characteristics of an individual. Your word shows who you are. You are as good as your word.
To be someone who keeps his/her word is to be of good character. Your word reveals your personal integrity, the kind of person you are. When I honor my word, I honor the one I’ve given my word to.
The word is a working tool. It can help you be prosperous. But how will you prosper if your working tool is broken?
Can any marriage withstand lies? Can any individual maintain a relationship with someone who lies? Only if this individual is someone just like or worse than the liar.
If you want to prosper, to earn the respect of others, and to have a good reputation, then keep your word. It is better not to speak than to speak and not fulfill what you say.
Bp Renato Cardoso
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Lust and guilt
Guilt is a much stronger feeling than lust.
Long after lust has faded, guilt still remains. Lust is subject to time and circumstances. Guilt is not.
Lust can be controlled. Guilt is an inevitable consequence.
Lust needs to be fed. Guilt has a life of its own.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
The Tabernacle in the Temple of Solomon
Go back in time to a quick view of the virtual Biblical Garden of the TEMPLE OF SOLOMON described in the book of Exodus.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Thursday, June 12, 2014
The first generation in the Temple is privileged, because this project is much greater than all the explanations we have ever been given.
This something we may only truly understand in the future, if the Lord Jesus does not come before, what the Holy Spirit is doing here on Earth.
Abraham lived in such faith, such obedience to the Voice of God; however, he was not able to understand how far this obedience could get him. He knew that he would be the father a great nation, but even today, after so long, this nation, which is us, continues to advance and grow significantly.
Obeying the Voice of God brings results now, but the greatest result only time will tell.
Bishop Edir Macedo's Blog
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
I am the light of the world
“Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” John 8:12
Oppression, anxiety, loneliness, chronic diseases, insomnia, seeing visions, hearing voices, addictions, suicide thoughts… if you have difficulty in identifying the symptoms that has taken over your ways, these might be some of them.
Many have stumbled on their decisions, thinking that something will go well, and all of a sudden, they are caught by surprise; finding themselves surrounded by negativity and unable to finish what they have started.
Does it sound familiar to you? Your life does not have to be that way!
Peace, freedom, serenity, peaceful sleep, health, desire to live, the ability to solve problems, inner balance… this is what happens in your life when you live under the protection and guidance of God’s light.
Friday, March 7, 2014

One of the words that caught my attention among many that inspired us on the last Night Vigil of the Assistants, was something that I have not seen in many assistants, and you should all be more attentive to: I am talking about your uniform.
Many assistants treat their uniform recklessly. Starting with the male assistants, whose white of their shirts is grimy and that their trousers are old and faded, shoes are poorly polished or not polished at all, their belts have damaged holes, dull buckle. In short, we are men of God and this condition requires neatness and zeal for everything related to us, including our appearance. I remember when I was an assistant, I was working but did not have a good salary. And I had to spend a lot with my wedding, but if there was one thing that I would always care for, that was my uniform, because it represented my spiritual garments. The scriptures show God's concern for the priests’ garments:
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

"The Bible tells us that it's the change of mind.
The true Christian needs, first of all, to go through repentance, or rather, it's necessary to have his mind totally changed, in order to receive the Holy Spirit and truly become a new creature.
To repent does not mean to be sad or to regret the act practiced before.
To repent doesn't mean only to firm in your heart the desire of not practicing such acts anymore, because you did not like to practice them, you suffered because of them or something like that.
To repent is much more than that; it means to change your mind completely regarding what you practiced.
The true Christian needs, first of all, to go through repentance, or rather, it's necessary to have his mind totally changed, in order to receive the Holy Spirit and truly become a new creature.
To repent does not mean to be sad or to regret the act practiced before.
To repent doesn't mean only to firm in your heart the desire of not practicing such acts anymore, because you did not like to practice them, you suffered because of them or something like that.
To repent is much more than that; it means to change your mind completely regarding what you practiced.
Friday, February 7, 2014

"Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time." (Revelation 12:12)
The devil knows that his days are counted. He knows that there is a place of eternal punishment, prepared for him and his followers.
while his end does not come, satan uses all his forces to destroy the human beings, who are God's masterpiece.
He does that because he is envious, as he was banned and lost the condition of angel of light when he tried to steal the throne of God.
Friday, January 31, 2014

"Behold I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book." (Revelation 22:7)
When the subject is the destiny of the planet earth, the people react in different ways. There are those who don't believe that the world will end, affirming that it happens only for those who die.
There are those who agree with the scientific arguments that everything will automatically end as soon as the sun completes its vital cycle and gets extinguished, as it happens with the stars, but they argue that its a preoccupation for other generations, reserved only for our descendants.
However, the verse below, warn us not to be negligent with such important promise:
"Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the Ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all. It was the same in the days of Lot.
People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulphur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed. On that day no one who is on the roof of the house, with his goods inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything."
(Luke 17:26-31)
You cannot be confused with other facts of the history of the church many people believe that the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ was the descending of the Holy Spirit, on the day of Pentecost.
The parousy ,however, will be accompanied by two important events: the resurrection of the dead and the snatch of the church, what immediately discards the possibility of such people being right.
Read: 1 Corinthians 15:52, 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17
(Text extracted from Bible Study book from Bishop Macedo)
God bless you.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What is conversion? Is the change of
direction, character and personality. You need to do your part in order
to change that is, to believe in the word, accept it and make an effort
to put it into practice in your life.
However, only that is not enough, because it's the word of God itself that purifies us from everything that does not please God. The Holy Spirit is the One who acts so that your life may be transformed.
Did you feel that something changed inside of you after your conversion? I am not talking about receiving a healing, the deliverance from demons or getting the solution of a problem, because all these we achieve by faith, but I ask about the internal change, in your heart.
if you before coming to the church were aggressive, rebel, used to keep grudges in your heart and still feel the same not being able of forgive those who offend you, so it's because nothing happened. If it's your case, you need to make an urgent evaluation in your life, because your salvation is at satke.
Surrender your life completely into the hands of the Lord Jesus, open the doors of your heart, let His words wash you and don't be mere listener but a participant. Try not to do your will, but always the will of God in your life.
When it happens, when you repent of your sins and live according to what the scriptures say, rivers of living waters will flow from you, or rather, the Holy Spirit will flow and you will be a new creature; the direction of your life will be totally changed.
(Text extracted from the book of Bishop Macedo Bible study)
However, only that is not enough, because it's the word of God itself that purifies us from everything that does not please God. The Holy Spirit is the One who acts so that your life may be transformed.
Did you feel that something changed inside of you after your conversion? I am not talking about receiving a healing, the deliverance from demons or getting the solution of a problem, because all these we achieve by faith, but I ask about the internal change, in your heart.
if you before coming to the church were aggressive, rebel, used to keep grudges in your heart and still feel the same not being able of forgive those who offend you, so it's because nothing happened. If it's your case, you need to make an urgent evaluation in your life, because your salvation is at satke.
Surrender your life completely into the hands of the Lord Jesus, open the doors of your heart, let His words wash you and don't be mere listener but a participant. Try not to do your will, but always the will of God in your life.
When it happens, when you repent of your sins and live according to what the scriptures say, rivers of living waters will flow from you, or rather, the Holy Spirit will flow and you will be a new creature; the direction of your life will be totally changed.
(Text extracted from the book of Bishop Macedo Bible study)
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A man runs up to Socrates with information he thought the philosopher would like to hear:
– Let me tell you something about one of your friends!
– Wait a minute - said Socrates – Before you tell me, have you sifted this information through the three sieves?
– The three sieves? What do you mean?
– Let's sift through what you want to tell me. We should always use the three sieves. If you do not know them, then pay close attention. The first is the sieve of TRUTH. Are you sure that what you want to tell me is true?
– Well, it’s what I overheard. I’m not exactly sure if it's true.
– The second is the sieve of GOODNESS. Surely, you must have sifted this information through the sieve of goodness. Right?
Embarrassed, the man replied:
– I must confess that I did not.
– The third is the sieve of USEFULNESS. Did you really consider whether or not this information about my friend is useful?
– Useful? Actually, no, I did not.
So the wise man said – If what you want to tell me is not true, good or useful, then it's better that you keep it to yourself.
Moral of the story: Next time a rumor develops, sift it through the three sieves: Truth, Goodness and Usefulness, before submitting to your urges and passing it on.
"Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles." Proverbs 21.23
Think about this
Friday, January 17, 2014

"Woe to you, teachers of the law and pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices - mint, dill and cumin.
But you have neglected the more important matters of the law - justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former." (Matthew 23:23)
Sometimes we think many assistants do not recognise or do not want to recognise what's obvious, because all of them know the word of God and many insist to keep on giving a bad testimony before men; they live in sin deliberately, in prostitution, in adultery, deceiving people, lying, corrupting themselves, serving badly their bosses at work, putting the Lord Jesus in shame, and the worst of all is that they believe they will be saved with such behaviour.
Do you know the meaning of the word "hypocrite"? It means that the person pretends to have certain principles, ideas, opinions or feelings... isn't that what we have seen?
Assistants who give tithes, offerings, but live a kind of life pretending to be holy and live in injustice, or rather, in sin, full of malice in the heart?
Well, if you are seeing yourself in this context, remember that the restrictions for those who are hypocrites and are inside the church living a life of injustice before God will be worse then for those who have never put their feet in the church.
The Lord Jesus received the prostitute and the thief with love but He was tough eith the hypocrites:
"Serpents, brood of vipers! How can you escape the condemnation of hell?"
This is not a curse for you but an alert to those who keep on playing with God and with the devil, constantly practicing sin under dirty sheets thinking they are hiding, but remember what the Lord Jesus said:
"For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear." (Mark 4:22-24)
Therefore assistants, take care so that you won't be caught by surprise and lose the most precious thing in your lives, salvation.
(Bishop Sergio Correa)
Friday, January 10, 2014
The bad news is that time flies
You may ask,“Bishop, are you saying that all problems are solvable?”
Well, I will have to quote the most read book of all time to answer you
on that – “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” (Mark 9:23)
The Lord Jesus Himself said these words
when a man brought his son to be healed. This particular young man was
mute and suffered from fits as a consequence of a spiritual problem.
Actually, not even Jesus’ disciples, at that time, knew how to help that
young man, but the Lord Jesus did!
We are at the beginning of a brand-new year and you have two options:
1. You can try to manage these problems by doing the same old things and run the risk of taking them with you to 2014, or
2. You can try something different and put God’s Word to the test. At the end of the day, what do you have to lose?
If you choose the second option and want to count on our help, you are more than welcome to do so.
I strongly advise you to take on the
Chain challenge, as this will give you the necessary tools to put your
faith into practice and make your dreams come true! Someone once said,
“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.”
We can’t change the past, and we won’t
forget it either. However, the future is in our hands. Make the most out
of it. How? By doing something constructive with your present. What are
you waiting for?
May God bless you abundantly in this New Year!
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Friday, January 3, 2014
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