Get rid of all the negative burdens you may have, the old life, burying all that has accused you, through the Baptism in Waters, which, originally means “burial”. The Lord Jesus promised that “Whoever believed in Him as Lord of their life and was baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, would be Saved, and those who did not believe, and were not baptised would not be saved.” This you will do in the closest UCKG to you, free of charge. Simply bring a change of clothes, a towel and a repentant heart.
In order to know someone, you must do two basic things: Talk and Listen to them…right? So, speak up! But in this case, the person you need to know is God. Talk to Him in prayer in the morning, in times of temptation, hardship, persecution, demonstrating trust and dependence, and at night, showing at least your gratitude. The duration of the prayer is not important, but rather that you are sincere and specific. The Lord Jesus said: “It is not by much talk that we are made heard.”
Feed your spirit. It can only be fed by words, whether they’re negative, resulting in frustration, or positive, resulting in success. The most coherent and intelligent BOOK there has EVER been is the Holy Bible! The Bible contains God’s thoughts. So, read a verse a day, preferably in the New Testament, to facilitate your understanding and meditation of what you read. God will surely speak to you, and if you don’t understand, don’t be discouraged! Don’t worry! Days later you will understand.
Become an adult in your Intelligent Faith, mature in your relationship with God, by developing your communion with Him when you take part in the practical and intelligent Meetings of the UCKG, on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sunday mornings;
And lastly, don’t deny others the opportunity of knowing that the Lord Jesus is Alive and willing to Release, Forgive, Fulfil and Save others. Look to always evangelize others through your good character, self control, respect and just behaviour. Whenever possible, invite people to participate in the Intelligent Meetings and Events of the UCKG.
To recap:
1st GET BAPTISED IN WATERS ASAP – to bury your past;
2nd TALK TO GOD DAILY through prayers that express your trust, hope and gratitude;
3rd UNDERSTAND THE NEED TO FEED YOUR SPIRIT, by reading and meditating on the Word of God;
4th MATURE IN YOUR FAITH, by participating in intelligent and practical meetings of the UCKG;
5th DON’T DENY OTHERS THE OPPORTUNITY OF KNOWING THE LORD through the testimony of your transformed life and also your spontaneous evangelism.
I hope these practical, biblical and efficient tips have, somehow, helped you.
See you at the UCKG, or in the Clouds!
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